Product Overview
The product is General Purpose Polystyrene GON535N, a heat resistant, rapid freezing general purpose grade suitable for various applications.
Product Features
- High heat resistance
- Excellent transparency
- Good mechanical strength
- Versatility in applications
- Natural color for easy customization
Product Value
GON535N offers superior performance in extruded and injection-molded articles, providing transparency, strength, and heat resistance for a wide range of applications.
Product Advantages
- Withstands elevated temperatures
- Provides high transparency
- Possesses strong mechanical properties
- Versatile in various applications
- Neutral base for customization
Application Scenarios
- Light Diffuse Plate (LDP) and Light Guide Plate (LGP)
- Foamed articles
- Replacement for SAN and PMMA
- Extruded and injection molded articles
- Transparent sheets
- Household applications
- Blends with High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS)